Cerere in original, care se transmite la Agenţia teritorială ARR emitentă a licenţei de transport persoane şi a copiilor conforme.
Documentele se transmit la Agenția teritorială ARR de pe raza administrativ-teritorială a căreia îşi are sediul întreprinderea.
Datele de contact ale Agențiilor teritoriale ARR le găsiți aici.
Data actualizării: 03.09.2024
Application in original, which is sent to the Territorial ARR Agency issuing the Passenger Transport Licence and the Certified Copies.
Obs: The old completed logbook will be returned at the releasing of the new one issued.
Documents are sent to the Territorial ARR Agency from the administrative-territorial area in which the transport operator has its headquarters.
Contact information for Territorial ARR Agencies.
Last update: 11.11.2020